Tips to Find the Best Roofers

From replacing a roof to repairing one, you want to use the best roofers you can find for the job. While you might not have many options if you live in a remote area that doesn’t have many roofing contractors, you can still be picky about the roofers you allow to work on your roof even if you only have a handful of roofing companies in your area. According to the embedded video, you should have a set list of questions and criteria to interview a roofer so you don’t make a mistake in your hiring decision.

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Any roofing professional worth their salt will have proper insurance to protect their business and themselves on the job, as well as protecting you. General liability insurance will protect the contractor and you. They should also have worker’s compensation insurance.

Before taking a roofing contractor at their word, it’s wise to ask for proof of insurance so you don’t end up in a sticky situation if they get injured. You should also make sure that a roofer is properly licensed. Additionally, you’ll want to choose a roofer who is local and who doesn’t want money upfront without presenting materials. Otherwise, you might end up getting scammed out of money.

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